Navigating The Challenges of Scaling: A Guide

A Seven-Part Guide to Scaling Your Business

Embarking on the journey to scale your health and wellness practice is an exciting prospect but comes with challenges. At Salt Marketing, we understand that the growth path can be daunting, and we're here to guide you through the challenges of scaling your business. 

Here, you'll find seven critical areas established practitioners often find challenging when expanding their practice. To save you time and stress, we've got valuable insights that will demystify the process and help you make informed decisions to achieve sustainable growth.

How do I maintain the quality my clients expect when I work to scale my business?

Maintaining quality is paramount as you scale your health and wellness practice. The fear of compromising the personalized touch that your clients value is a common concern. "At the end of the day, our name is on it," explains Ashton Guichard of JAG Med Spa in Summerville, South Carolina. "We can't practice with integrity if we're just throwing around the next latest and greatest fad that's allegedly gonna cure everything. And so we really do our due diligence and put in the time." To maintain quality in your practice, consider implementing standards and value-based messaging:

  • Standardized Protocols: Develop standardized protocols for treatments and patient interactions. Find appropriate tech tools to communicate and manage these standards with your team and ensure consistency.
  • Client Feedback Loops: Establish feedback loops with clients to gather insights continually. Their input can be invaluable in refining your services and maintaining high standards.
  • Differentiate through Messaging: Utilize the StoryBrand 7-part messaging framework to craft messages that resonate with your audience. Clearly communicating what sets you apart can strengthen your brand and reassure clients of your commitment to quality.

Salt Marketing Tip: Optimize your messaging and implement effective client feedback mechanisms, ensuring your quality standards align with client expectations.Consider utilizing a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system like Keap CRM, which can streamline client management, appointment scheduling, and feedback collection. Automation can significantly enhance your ability to maintain quality as you scale.

story brand framework marketing strategy for health & wellness

How can I communicate both internally and externally when scaling my business?

Effective communication is the linchpin of successful scaling. Internally, it ensures a cohesive team, while external communication maintains strong client relationships. Here's how to approach it:

  • Internal Communication Tools: Invest in communication tools that facilitate seamless collaboration among team members. Platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams can enhance internal communication and project management.
  • External Communication Strategy: Develop a robust website  that supports your communication strategy. Inform prospects and clients of any changes, new team members, or expanded services. Consistent and clear communication builds trust and loyalty.
  • Social Media Amplification: Leverage social media platforms to amplify your messages internally and externally. Share your practice's journey, team accomplishments, and valuable health tips to create a sense of community.
  • Content Optimization: Optimize your content for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords. This increases the likelihood of your content being discovered by individuals seeking health and wellness services.

Salt Marketing Tip: Leverage Keap CRM's power to streamline internal and external communication. Features include automated email campaigns, text messaging, and appointment reminders and follow-up and more, ensuring a smooth flow of information.

How can I hire for cultural fit and train and develop staff when I add team members to scale my business?

Building a cohesive team is vital for a successful health and wellness practice. "One of the biggest challenges for me has been managing a team of people," shared Laura Dantoni with Gate City Health. "Managing people can be very, very challenging. You have different personalities, different ideas, different values. It can be  hard to partner with people and get them on board and get them to understand what our vision is for our practice and how to stick with us." If you're challenged by growing your team, focus on hiring for cultural fit and implementing practical training and development programs:

  • Cultural Fit Interviews: Develop a hiring process that assesses the skills and cultural fit of potential team members. By systematically conducting these interviews, you can ensure alignment with your practice's values and philosophy.
  • Develop and Automate Employee Development Plans: Implement individualized employee development plans. Providing a step-by-step approach for every team member not only enhances skills but also fosters a sense of personal and professional growth, contributing to overall team satisfaction.

Salt Marketing Tip: Try infusing the StoryBrand framework into your training programs. This ensures that your team understands and can communicate the unique value your practice offers, fostering a unified brand voice. (Chapter 13 of Building A StoryBrand is all about how powerful story telling can be when building a team.)

How do I ensure consistency, even as I scale my practice?

Consistency of client service is crucial when transitioning to a team-led practice model. To address this, focus on:

  • Client Education Content: Create and publish original content to educate your ideal-fit clients about their health and wellness. This not only positions you as an authority but also reinforces consistent messaging about your practice's approach.
  • Automate Processes: Standardize the way you serve and support your clients to ensure a consistent approach and the highest levels of quality.
  • Regular Team Meetings: Conduct regular team meetings to discuss cases, share insights, and address concerns. This kind of group interaction fosters a collaborative environment and promotes consistency.

Salt Marketing Tip: Utilize technology to establish protocols and client care standards. Use one platform for client records and your notes. This will ensure that all members of your team are on the same page regarding client needs.

storybrand landing page challenges of scaling

How do I take advantage of technology to scale my practice?

Technology plays a crucial role in scaling a health and wellness practice. Embrace the following strategies:

  • Implement a CRM System: The right CRM system will help you generate leads, convert clients and build a loyal following of raving fans! Done well, your automations can also streamline client management, automate repetitive tasks, and enhance efficiency.
  • Automate Repetitive Processes: When you have systems and processes in place that are serving you well, it’s time to automate repetitive administrative tasks. What’s repetitive? Anything that gets done 3 or more times a day in your practice. This allows you to focus more on patient care and less on manual processes.
  • Social Media Content Calendar: Create a content calendar for your social media channels. Plan and schedule posts in advance to maintain a consistent online presence and engage with your audience.

Salt Marketing Tip: While navigating the tech landscape on your own is tempting, seeking expert guidance can save time and resources and help you scale more quickly. Salt Marketing specializes in automation for health and wellness practices, ensuring a smooth transition to a tech-enhanced environment.


How do I ensure strong connections with clients and personalized care and attention as my client base expands?

Maintaining strong connections with clients becomes challenging as your client base grows. To counter this, prioritize:

  • Personalized Communication: Utilize personalized communication channels such as email newsletters or text messages to stay connected with clients.
  • Client Feedback: Implement a system for reviews and feedback to understand client needs and preferences. This data can also inform personalized communication strategies.
  • Personalized Content Marketing: Produce original content that speaks directly to your target audience's needs. Whether it's blog posts, videos, or social media content, personalized messaging enhances client connection.

Salt Marketing Tip: Salt Marketing offers content creation services, helping you produce original and impactful content that resonates with your audience, fostering stronger connections. Add to that Keap CRM's automation features of personalized communication, the ability to send targeted messages, and gather client feedback, and you have a perfect formula that ensures you can strengthen personal connections even as you scale.

How do I maintain a consistent brand image and carry out my marketing strategy as I focus on scaling?

Consistency in branding and marketing is crucial for sustained growth. "One way is to just show up regularly," advises Simple Social Media author Annie Schiffmann. "First, start with once a week or if, you know, if you're reigniting a brand, start with once a week, then twice a week, then eventually work your way up. But when you are consistently showing up, that is really important." Consider the following:

  • Brand Guidelines: Develop clear guidelines encompassing your practice's values, mission, and visual identity. Communicate these guidelines to all team members.
  • Brand Voice: Ensure brand consistency  across all communication channels. This includes not only marketing materials but also in-person interactions, creating a unified brand experience.
  • Create Raving Fans: Retain clients and turn them into advocates for your brand. Encourage them to share their success stories, testimonials, and experiences with your practice on various platforms.

Salt Marketing Tip: Navigating the complex world of marketing can be challenging. Salt Marketing offers comprehensive marketing services, including brand development, digital marketing, and content creation, to ensure a consistent and practical approach to promoting your practice.

Scaling your health and wellness practice is a significant undertaking, but it can lead to unprecedented success with the right strategies and support. At Salt Marketing, we're committed to helping you overcome the challenges of scaling your business. Whether you tackle these aspects independently or seek our guidance, remember that the growth journey is a learning process, and every challenge presents an opportunity for improvement. Let's build a thriving future for your health and wellness practice together.

Jennifer Orechwa

I love helping CEOs and business owners find innovative solutions to their unique growth challenges. Today, as a fractional CMO and agency owner, I offer clients over 20 years of marketing experience, from strategy to implementation to ROI and iteration to the next milestone.